Machines for Easy Farming at Christmas

For a farmer or smallholder, work is never finished. That’s why Farm Tech Supplies has a range of machines and implements to save both time and effort.

B-WTA110 Wessex ATV Topper Mower


Although the grass is dormant until the spring, a sunny winter day could be the ideal time to reclaim scrub land from brush and saplings. The Winton or Fleming Topper Mowers are perfect for turning rough land into a suitable paddock. For a finer cut and mulched cuttings, we have a large range of different types of flail mowers from several different brands, such as Winton, Agrint, Deleks and FTS. This includes the standard flail mowers, compact flails, verge flails, and side-shift flails with both manual and hydraulic options.

There is even an option for those without a tractor. The Wessex ATV Topper Mower and the FTS ATV Flail Mower have their own engine and will fit on ATVs and even 4x4s with a simple tow ball hitch.

Another job for the winter season could be trimming back hedges and bushes. For well-established hedges with thick growth, we have the Winton Hedge Cutter, which has the strength of a flail mower, with an excellent range of movement. For more delicate and younger hedges, and aa finer finish, the Deleks Hedge Trimmer is ideal. The Winton Wood Chipper can be used to dispose of any larger branches, up to 5 inches in diameter. To break down logs for firewood, we have the Wessex Hydraulic Log Splitter.


With cows, sheep and horses sheltered for the winter, you may decide this is the perfect opportunity to fix and build fences. The Winton Post Hole Borer can make a hole up to three feet deep to make a sturdy fence to contain even the most rambunctious bull. The Winton Ripper and Pipe Layer is ideal for running flexible water pipe out to fields and paddocks, or even armoured cable.

If we have a few dry days, preparing seed beds can be done quickly and easily with some of the attachments at Farm Tech Supplies. We stock a range of rotovators from Winton, Agrint and FTS, which de-compact and level the soil ready for planting. For turning over less stony areas, we have the Winton Power Harrow, while the Winton Stone Burier tackles rockier soil by churning the soil and burying the stones under a layer of soil.

To keep tracks and driveways level and accessible during the winter months, the FTS Grader Blade, Winton Box Grader and Winton Landscape Rake all make quick work of levelling ground. The latter can also collect debris, such as leaves, twigs and rocks to be cleared away. On the off-chance we have snow this year, the Winton Hydraulic Scraper doubles as both a snow plough, but also as a grader blade.

TTB120 FTS tipping box Massey Ferguson

Lifting and Moving

Both the D W Tomlin and Winton Tipping Trailers and the FTS Transport Box are excellent ways to move a range of items around your smallholding or farm. The trailers have a maximum load of 1.25tn to 2tn depending on the size, allowing you to make as few trips as possible. Both the trailers and the transport boxes can be tipped up, so unloading takes next to no time. The front scoop on the transport box allows you to reverse into the material that needs moving to save on loading time.

The Winton Bale Spike is a fantastic implement for moving hay bales around your land, as it is adjustable to the size of the bale. In the winter, when hay needs to be frequently transported for feed and bedding, the Bale Spike saves both time and effort.

While there is still plenty to do on smallholdings and farms in the winter, Farm Tech Supplies has plenty of attachments to make them easier and quicker. Hopefully, this means you have the time to relax with family and friends over the Christmas holidays!